--- title: "Coding-variant Allelic Series Test" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{COAST} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- Updated: 2025-01-02 ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` ## Data To run an allelic series test, there are 4 key inputs: * A numeric annotation vector, of the same length as the number of variants, coded as 1 for benign missense variants (BMVs), 2 for damaging missense variants (DMVs), and 3 for protein truncating variants (PTVs). * A covariates matrix, with as many rows as subjects and including columns such as age and sex. If omitted, defaults to an intercept only. * A genotype matrix, with subjects as rows and variants as columns. The number of columns should correspond to the length of the annotation vector. * A numeric phenotype vector, either continuous or binary. The example data used below were generated using the `DGP` function provided with the package. The data set includes 100 subjects, 300 variants, and a continuous phenotype. The true effect sizes follow an allelic series, with magnitudes proportional to `c(1, 2, 3)` for BMVs, DMVs, and PTVs respectively. ```{r} set.seed(101) n <- 100 data <- AllelicSeries::DGP( n = n, snps = 300, beta = c(1, 2, 3) / sqrt(n), ) # Annotations. anno <- data$anno head(anno) # Covariates. covar <- data$covar head(covar) # Genotypes. geno <- data$geno head(geno[,1:5]) # Phenotype. pheno <- data$pheno head(pheno) ``` The example data generated by the preceding are available under `vignettes/vignette_data`. ## Running the alleic series test The COding-variant Allelic Series Test (COAST) is run using the `COAST` function. By default, the output of `COAST` includes a data.frame of counts showing the number of alleles, variants, and carriers in each class that contributed to the test, and a data.frame of p-values, with the `omni` test denoting the final, overall p-value. Inspection of the component p-values may be useful for determining which model(s) detected evidence of an association. In the present case, the baseline count model provided the greatest power. ```{r} results <- AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar ) show(results) ``` The effect sizes data.frame is accessed via: ```{r} results@Betas ``` the counts data.frame via: ```{r} results@Counts ``` and the p-values data.frame via: ```{r} results@Pvals ``` ### Ultra-rare variants Effect size estimation for ultra-rare variants is challenging due to the scarcity of carriers on which to base the estimate. Following works such as [SAIGE-GENE+](https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9534766/), we recommend collapsing variants with a minor allele count (MAC) $\leq 10$ into an aggregate variant, separately within each annotation category. The `CollapseGeno` utility is provided for this purpose. The `min_mac` specifies the threshold for retention as an individual variant (e.g. `min_mac = 11` will collapse variants with a MAC $\leq 10$). The output is a list containing the annotation vector `anno` and genotype matrix `geno` after collapsing. In addition, a mapping `vars` is provided showing which variants were collapsed to create each aggregate variant. Note that: * `CollapseGeno` will change the order of the variants in the genotype matrix. * No aggregate variant will be created within annotation categories where no variants have a MAC below the threshold. * Collapsing ultra-rare variants does not guarantee that the resulting aggregate variant will itself have a MAC $\geq$ the threshold. To ensure that only variants with a minimum MAC enter the association test, a `min_mac` threshold should also be supplied to `COAST`. ```{r} set.seed(102) # Generate data. n <- 1e3 data <- AllelicSeries::DGP( n = n, snps = 10, prop_anno = c(1, 1, 1) / 3 ) # Collapse ultra-rare variants. collapsed <- AllelicSeries::CollapseGeno( anno = data$anno, geno = data$geno, min_mac = 11 ) # Variants collapsed to form each aggregate variant. head(collapsed$vars) ``` ```{r, eval=FALSE} # Run COAST on the collapsed data. results <- AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = collapsed$anno, covar = data$covar, geno = collapsed$geno, pheno = data$pheno, min_mac = 10 ) ``` ### Different numbers of annotation categories `COAST` was originally intended to operate on the benign missense variants, damaging missense variants, and protein truncating variants within a gene, but it has been generalized to allow for an arbitrary number of discrete annotation categories. The following example simulates and analyzes data with 4 annotation categories. The main difference when analyzing a different number of annotation categories is that the `weight` vector should be specified, and should have length equal to the number of *possible* annotation categories. `COAST` will run, albeit with a warning, if there are possible annotation categories to which no variants are assigned (e.g. a gene contains no PTVs). ```{r, cache=TRUE} set.seed(102) # Generate data. n <- 1e2 data <- AllelicSeries::DGP( n = n, snps = 400, beta = c(1, 2, 3, 4) / sqrt(n), prop_anno = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1), weights = c(1, 1, 1, 1) ) # Run COAST-SS. results <- AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = data$anno, covar = data$covar, geno = data$geno, pheno = data$pheno, weights = c(1, 2, 3, 4) ) show(results) ``` ### Test options * `apply_int = TRUE` applies the rank-based inverse normal transformation from the [RNOmni](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RNOmni) package. This transformation is expected to improve power for phenotypes that have a skewed or kurtotic (e.g. long-tailed) distribution. It is applied by default in the case of continuous phenotype, and is ignored in the case of a binary phenotype. ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, apply_int = TRUE ) ``` * `include_orig_skato_all = TRUE` includes standard SKAT-O applied to all variants as a component of the omnibus test, while `include_orig_skato_ptv = TRUE` includes standard SKAT-O applied to PTVs only. In cases where other annotation schemes are used, the annotation for the PTV class can be specified via `ptv_anno`. Including standard SKAT-O as a component of the omnibus test can improve power to detect associations between the phenotype and genes that may not be allelic series. ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, include_orig_skato_all = TRUE, include_orig_skato_ptv = TRUE, ptv_anno = 3 ) ``` * `is_pheno_binary = TRUE` is required to indicate that the supplied phenotype is binary, and should be analyzed using a logistic regression model. ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = 1 * (pheno > 0), covar = covar, is_pheno_binary = TRUE ) ``` * `min_mac` is used to filter the variant set to those containing a minimum minor allele count (MAC). The following example filters to only those variants with a MAC of at least 2: ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, min_mac = 2 ) ``` * `return_omni_only = TRUE` is used to return `p_omni` only when the component p-values are not of interest: ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, return_omni_only = TRUE ) ``` * `score_test = TRUE` specifies the use of a score-type allelic series burden test. The default of `score_test = FALSE` specifies a Wald-type allelic series burden test. ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, score_test = TRUE ) ``` * `weights` specifies the relative phenotypic effects of BMVs, DMVs, and PTVs. An increasing pattern such as the default setting of `weights = c(1, 2, 3)` targets allelic series. Setting `weights = c(1, 1, 1)` would target a genetic architecture where all variants have equivalent expected magnitudes. ```{r, eval = FALSE} AllelicSeries::COAST( anno = anno, geno = geno, pheno = pheno, covar = covar, weights = c(1, 2, 3) ) ```